What can we do if we think someone is having thoughts of suicide?
It is important to show the person that we care and that we are concerned for their safety. It is also important to directly ask the person if they are thinking suicide. This shows that we are taking their feelings seriously and can help establish a connection to focus on safety. If you feel uncomfortable asking, you can find someone else you can ask the person about suicide. It is helpful to listen to the person – without judgment and by showing empathy. If the person says they are considering suicide, encourage them to access supports to help the person keep safe, such as 24 hour crisis line, a mental health professional, or even a hospital emergency room. if the person is imminently at risk. We can also enlist familial, friendship and social supports. If the person is at imminent risk of harming themselves, it is advised not to leave them alone, and please reach out to the crisis line or emergency support or hospital.