Renew your ASIST 11 certification with this half-day refresher course.

ASIST TuneUp is an online half-day review of the Pathway for Assisting Life (PAL) Model. This session provides participants with the opportunity to share their experiences applying ASIST and recapture the feeling of a caring community experience.

Learning to respond to suicide involves continuous learning, and the ASIST TuneUp helps solidify and incorporate new learning from ASIST, resulting in increased skills for caregivers.

Who is it for?

This session is available and highly recommended for organizations that have trained staff in ASIST 11. Ideally, this TuneUp should be completed two years after the initial training.

The Facilitators

This session is facilitated by an established ASIST trainer and coach. 


“A  helpful refresher to the skills learned previously. Sometimes, we may get complacent and think we are doing things ‘right.’ Refreshers are always helpful.” – Police Officer

Help Make An Impact

Join us in responding to the mental health crisis and in fostering compassionate, connected, suicide-safer communities.

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Our Impact The topic and word "suicide" is not so scary after taking a training from the Crisis Centre of BC. I'm grateful to have been here today, and am hopeful that I can help people in the future. safeTALK participant, Agassiz