ASIST and safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T)

Learn how to become an ASIST or safeTALK trainer.

  • We are not currently offering this program but will be at a later date in 2024


The five-day T4T course is the first phase of becoming a Registered Trainer. During the first two days, you will experience (or re-experience) ASIST as any participant would. An appreciation of the participant’s perspective is essential to your success as a trainer. Participation in ASIST at T4T also provides a common experience to frame the work for the rest of the course.

At the end of ASIST, a brief transition session will be held to give you a quick overview of the schedule for the next three days, which is presented Wednesday morning. A copy of the ASIST Trainer Manual will also be distributed. You will be given several homework assignments for that evening. This change will signal the transition from participation to training.

Who is it for?

Typical participants include counsellors, health care workers, first responders, faith leaders, youth workers, and immigrant and refugee settlement workers.  While it is common for health workers and service providers to participate, one doesn’t need formal mental health training to attend ASIST.

The Facilitators

Three certified professional trainers will ensure your comfort and safety through this intensive and empowering training course. 

About safeTALK T4T

safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T) is a powerful, two-day learning experience that lays the groundwork for candidates to deliver safeTALK within their organizations or community. 

Having the capacity to deliver safeTALK within an organization is a crucial component of building suicide-safer organizations and communities. 

Becoming a trainer will allow your organization to deliver safeTALK to staff and other stakeholders on an ongoing basis. 

This session:

  • Improves participants’ readiness to respond to a person with thoughts of suicide
  • Is effective for participants as young as 15 years old
  • Helps break down suicide stigma in the community
  • Has better skill retention compared to other connector programs 

Who is it for?

safeTALK trainers come from a wide variety of backgrounds and life experiences. Qualities that favour success as a safeTALK trainer include presentation and facilitation skills, patience, a willingness to talk about suicide, and an “always learning” mindset.  

  • All safeTALK candidates need to have completed ASIST 11 within the last 24 months.

Before registering, please review Essential Information for safeTALK Trainer Candidates.

The Facilitator

safeTALK T4T is facilitated by a certified LivingWorks trainer.


“I really enjoyed the T4T. In particular, the opportunity to discuss and practice in a safe and structured environment.  The facilitator was knowledgeable, clear, well organized – offering a comfortable and open training environment.” – safeTALK T4T Candidate

How to register: 

Please do the following steps:

  1. Create your account in Livingworks Learn

To create your new LivingWorks Learn account, please click on the following link:

  1. Once you have created your LivingWorks Learn account, we ask that you register for the T4T by clicking on the link below:

Once you have registered, you will be sent a notification to complete the trainer application.

Please note that your registration is pending until payment has been received and your Application has been approved.

If you have any questions, please contact: 

Help Make An Impact

Join us in responding to the mental health crisis and in fostering compassionate, connected, suicide-safer communities.

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Our Impact The topic and word "suicide" is not so scary after taking a training from the Crisis Centre of BC. I'm grateful to have been here today, and am hopeful that I can help people in the future. safeTALK participant, Agassiz