ɫokʷimas – You are Strong : Indigenous Suicide Prevention
Learn a valuable framework to address the epidemic of suicidality in Indigenous communities.
- We are not currently offering this program but will be at a later date in 2024
This online 3-hour training offers a framework for addressing the epidemic of suicidality in Indigenous communities through an Indigenous social justice lens. We see suicidality as a normal human response to carrying the burdens of attempted and ongoing colonial genocide. We aim to equip participants with the tools, knowledge and confidence to bring this work to life in their communities.
The workshop will provide a tool kit to support the community in resisting the spirit of suicide and self-harm through utilizing the land, Indigenous Culture, our breath, and bodies as tools for wellness and self-regulation.
This training is part of Nagala Consulting’s 2-day train-the-trainer program.
Learning Objectives:
- Equip participants with tools to support Indigenous folks who are navigating the spirit of suicide from an Indigenous social justice lens
- Learn about the benefits of utilizing cultural practices as a tool for addressing trauma for folks who live with the spirit of suicide
- Explore the power of healing through land, culture, our breath, and bodies for wellness and self-regulation
- Build a supportive community of folks who are passionate and open in talking about resisting the spirit of suicide
Who is it for?
This workshop is open to anyone but is recommended for people who work with Indigenous people in mental health and addictions/wellness: counsellors, teachers, front-line workers, social workers, mental health clinicians.
The Facilitator
N’alag̱a / Ḵ’áw kuuna (Avis O’Brien), a Haida/Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw artist and Land Based Cultural Empowerment Facilitator, belongs to the Kawaas Sdaast.aas Eagle Clan from the Village of K’yuusda in Haida Gwaii and the Gigəlǧəm n̓əm̓ina sa Liǧʷiłdax̌ʷ people of Cape Mudge. Avis offers Community Land Based Healing Workshops that are rooted in Decolonization, Reconciliation, Indigenous Land Based Healing & Breath & Embodiment Practices.
“This is an amazing program filled with research based information and practical skills to youth and adults.” – Vancouver Participant